Nestled between the world-renowned Olympic Winter Sports Park and The Park City Canyons Ski Resort, the Sun Peak and Bear Hollow communities offer single-family homes, townhomes, and condominiums within walking distance of schools and enveloped by a remarkable network of hiking and biking trails. Residents of Sun Peak enjoy access to the Sun Peak Community Center's coveted amenities, including a pool, gym, and tennis courts. Additionally, since Sun
Peak rests on the northern fringe of Canyons Village, residents here may easily enjoy the spa services, fitness memberships, and upscale dining at nearby Waldorf Astoria, not to mention Canyons Golf and all of the hotspots at Canyons Village. Bear Hollow boasts proximity to the Utah Winter Sports Park. For shopping and other commercial needs, nearby Kimball Junction is yet another option with its diverse collection of dining venues, coffee shops, hotels, retail
stores, a post office, a movie theater, and the Summit County Library. All of these elements combined make Sun Peak/Bear Hollow a true suburban gem.
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